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IACA Dark Web Investigation Support – Provided by International Anti Crime Academy (IACA) The Netherlands
Dark Web Marketplaces

Dark Web Marketplaces

Find (hidden) marketplaces on the Darkweb.

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Welcome to IACA Dark Web Investigation Support 

This FREE website is provided by International Anti Crime Academy (IACA) | The Netherlands.

IACA is licensed to operate by the Central Register for Short Vocational School, the Centre for Post Initial Education and the Centre for Post-Bachelor Education.

Since 2013, IACA is specialized in the field of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT) and Human Intelligence (HUMINT).

We are not interested in your search queries:

This is an informative website that provides information about the Dark Web.

We do not see, log or store any of your search queries.

Problems using this site:

If you have problems using the scripts on this site, go to:

about:preferences -> Privacy & Security -> Security -> select ‘Safer’ instead of ‘Safest’


You can only use the tools and scrips via the TOR network.

If you are not very familiar with using the Dark Web, we recommend to read a short manual here for your own protection.

You can download the TOR Browser here.

It is also possible to use the TOR Browser Button in Chrome, Firefox or Opera

The use of this website is at your own risk. IACA is not liable for the consequences of using this website.

Daily Dark Web News:


Recommended Reference Book

Dark Web Investigation Setup Guide

By Justin Seitz

“The daily Hunchly dark web report sends out a spreadsheet each day that details newly discovered hidden services, hidden services that were down in the last 24 hours and hidden services that were up in the last 24 hours. The spreadsheet includes the title from the hidden service as well as the detected language of the content. Sign up is free.

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